How Feng Shui Can Be Applied to Simple Decor Elements Like Cushions

When people think of Feng Shui, they often imagine complex arrangements of furniture or significant home renovations to improve energy flow. However, Feng Shui principles can be applied to even the simplest decor elements, such as cushions. Cushions are more than just decorative items; they can sign...

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Design Trends in 2024 That Are Wellness-Focused

As we move further into 2024, wellness continues to be a major focus in interior design. More than ever, people are seeking to create spaces that enhance health, relaxation, and a deep connection to nature. Here are some of the top wellness-focused design trends that have gained traction this year, ...

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Transform your home this summer: Expert tips for a fresh and vibrant living space

Summer is the perfect time to breathe new life into your home. The warm weather and longer days provide the ideal backdrop for a fresh start. Here are some tips to help you rejuvenate your living space and embrace the summer vibes.   1. Embrace natural light Maximize the natural light in your home ...

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